Business Intelligence Platform

Cobalt Ed will assist the private non-public school with the development of a private data lake ETL tool (Extract Transfer and Load) to house school data from current Learning Management Systems, Student Information Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems, Accounting Systems, HR systems and third party independent programs to provide a common business intelligence reporting protocol that creates static reports, dynamic reports (ad hoc) and dashboards to assist leadership with diagnostic analytics, prescriptive analytics and predictive analytics (trends).   Formats can then be presented to stakeholders, Regulators, Boards, Staff, Teachers, Parents, Students and Associations in an accurate and consistent manner.

The Cobalt Ed Business Intelligence platform works seamlessly with the Cobalt Ed curriculum and communication platform.  It is built on a modern, secure architecture and hosted on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform.

Currently, the educators have been challenged with systems with data and information separately housed on various platforms and not accessible in a useable format to identify the instructional, financial and student needs aligned with the goals and objectives for learner academic success and accountability. Cobalt Ed’s business intelligence reporting system will streamline the data and generate reports that will guide the school leadership team to identify resources and services that best meet the academic and social emotional services to students with face-to-face, remote and hybrid learning. The Cobalt platform will assist the leadership with diagnostic analytics, prescriptive analytics and predictive analytics (trends). The essential information, data and reports will be accessible to administrators, teachers, parents and stakeholders.

All network traffic is secured using HTTPS so that it is encrypted during transit. All data that is stored at rest, including relational databases and binary objects are stored in Azure using private endpoints so that they are never publicly available.  All Data is stored in the United States. User security is hierarchical and is built upon the Azure Active Directory.